10 Factors Influencing Tattoo Removal in Sydney

We price our tattoo removal sessions, so much so, that we thought it would be great to share Ten (10) factors we take into consideration when providing an estimate for the cost of removing a tattoo. The experts at our Sydney based / Dulwich Hill clinics are dedicated to providing you with world class laser tattoo removal and are among a handful of laser tattoo removal clinics operated under the supervision of a world renowned doctor. In a perfect world, the price for removing a tattoo would be set in stone. However, it is important to remember that every unwanted tattoo is unique. The following are just ten factors we consider when providing a cost estimate for a complete laser tattoo removal solution.

Tattoo Size

The Size of a tattoo is one of the biggest factors influencing the number of sessions you will require. Large tattoos that cover the whole circumference of a body area require more than one session to complete as the swelling can have a tourniquet effect, cutting off circulation. Large tattoos that use a lot of ink will require more sessions.

Skin Tone

The ultimate goal of tattoo removal is to destroy the ink in the dermis (skin) without damaging the surrounding tissue. This occurs by the tattoo pigment absorbing the energy of the laser beam, fragmenting it into smaller pieces. Light skin tones with dark pigments are the easiest to clear as the laser is highly absorbed by the dark ink and not by melanin in the skin. Darker skin tones with dark tattoos are a lot harder to clear as a lower energy beam has to be used. This causes less damage to the surrounding skin, but is also less effective. When a high energy beam is used on a darker skin, scarring and/or hyper/hypopigmentation may occur.

Tattoo Ink Colour

Tattoo inks are made of a variety of compounds which provide their unique colour, but some pigment additives such as titanium dioxide and ferric oxide may influence their ability to be cleared, resulting in tattoos resistance. The various pigments used to make up the ink can have varying absorption spectra, resulting in competing chromophores. When a given colour is diluted by other pigments, the laser energy generated may not be sufficient to cause particle destruction.

Tattoo Location

Once tattoo ink has been fragmented, white blood cells come in to eliminate the smaller particles. Tattoos located on areas of the body with high blood and lymph node count and good circulation are the easiest to clear. The lower down the body you go and/or towards the extremities, the harder it is to remove due to low blood and lymph node count.

Tattoo Age

With time tattoo ink will gradually sink deeper into the skin, causing them to look faded. In general, older tattoos will require fewer sessions to remove than newer tattoos. If you have a new tattoo that you suddenly regret, it is advisable to wait at least  2-5 months before commencing laser sessions.

Depth of Ink

Professional artists will use more ink and penetrate the dermis a little deeper than amateur artists. The deeper the ink is, the deeper the laser has to penetrate to sufficiently fragment the ink. This is achieved by adjusting the laser spot size and fluence.

Immune System

After the laser session is complete, your immune system takes over and does all the work. Having a healthy immune system is vital to achieving a good result, as are your macrophages (white blood cells) that eliminate the ink through phagocytosis; literally eating the fragmented ink. Make sure to drink lots of water to help flush out the ink, exercise (after 2-5 days post treatment) and eat well.


We already know the health risks of smoking, but studies have shown that smoking can reduce the effectiveness of laser tattoo removal by up to 70%. We do not recommend anyone continues to smoke while undergoing tattoo removal.

Cover Ups

Tattooing on top of an existing tattoo adds to the total amount of ink in the skin. As a result, more laser tattoo removal sessions may be required.

Type of Laser Used

Removal of different colours can be achieved when lasers are used in accordance with the absorption spectra of colours.  Q-switched technology is the safest and most common practice in the removal of tattoos, but be sure the operator is sufficiently trained and experienced.

Are you looking for ways to save on Laser Tattoo Removal?

You should not have to wear regret on your skin. At Precision Laser Therapy, we understand that it can be difficult to live with bad decisions, especially when they appear to be permanent. That is why we work with our customers and develop relationships for life. Call us first or book yourself for a free tattoo removal session. We’ve got you covered.